Thursday, 9 July 2009

Me as a lil pikin.

My pikinhood was so much fun abeg from swallowing 50 kobo to a nail chuking ma head (come to think of it now i know y am always having headaches lol) and am serz no jokes, dis my craziness no be 2day e start e don start since i dey inside ma mama belle hehehehe.....

I cant give u all d details of my birth but trust me i remember d day i came out of my mums belle it goes like dis it was a warm/cool saturday afternoon when i knocked on my mums tommy nd i told her ur water go soon break oooo... so u beta enter okada go hospital now cause me i no want make u born me for dis house, jeez wat kind of person am i? i scare myself sometyms serzly. ok back 2 d main tory

Am a p-town shick mhen, i grew up wiv d bestest (if dats a word) family eva nd see d way i turned out kai i don fuck up oooo.... so me as a pikin i was jus 2 curious nd it wasnt funny at all kai for instance when i see someone pass wiv a plate i follow dem nd i dont care if d plate is empty i will still follow d person, i know i was an ofoodie lol. My favourite sentence was "I MUST TOO" i remember wen ma aunts were playin a game wiv stones cant really remember wat its was called i asked dem pls can i play d wonderful ladies said no, i asked again nd dey refused so i picked d stones up nd said i must 2 throway nd dey thought i was jokin i threw d stones ova d fence nd dey beat d living day light out of me nd i cried lol true story.

B4 i started i started my 1st day at primary school na fight i no gree stay 4 class ma aunt had 2 seat wiv me in class, den one teacher i will neva 4get aunty angela she brought out her puppet nd d nxt thing i heard was if u dont write i will swallow you, omo see d way i started writting i no won hear story nd guess wat at d end of d term i ran home 2 my grand dad nd shouted i passed i came one hundered nd onety one in english it means 111th out of 115 students yh i now i am dumb like dat lol.

My pikinhood was jus 2 interesting like wen i was about 6yrs old i had 50kobo dat ma grand dad gave me 2 buy toffee sweet my favourite since i was lil i couldnt go 2 d shops so i begged ma aunts nd dem no gree so i went into d house nd lay down nd was playin wiv d kobo b4 i could say jack robinson d kobo dey inside my belle damn it wasnt funny ma tummy was so heavy i couldnt move, thanks 2 God i went 2 d white house 2 take it out nd it came out my grand dad told my aunts 2 take it out nd go nd buy my toffee nd i licked dem by myself lol true story.

Dats true i also used 2 talk 2 our chickens i used 2 call myself their mother i know i was a foolish pikin nd guess wat i named d chickens after all d ppl i hated nd when i saw dem i shouted out their name nd when dey answered i would say sorry i wasnt callin u, i was calling the chicken hehehehehehehehehehe i know am evil lol.

The funny one was when my grand dad nd i decided 2 plock oranges cause we have all sorts of fruits in ma house, we had a special stick 4 dis task nd dis stick had a nail connected 2 it so we can pull d oranges outta d tree. so it was goin very well ooo den we finished nd ma aunt told me move out of d way nd i ran 2 a place i felt was safe nd d nxt thing i new there was a nail in ma head connected 2 a stick nd i jus started running around nd i think d nxt thing dat happened was dat i passed out cause i cant remember again nd d scar is still on ma head nd it still hurts, wow my pikinhood good tyms. lmfaooooo am sure ppl dat read dis will think am mad but these things really did happened nd more but ive got 2 stop here. Enjoy


  1. swallowing 50kobo...loooooooooooooooool
    puppet eating u we believe as kids..kai!!)
    eeya..ndo about the nail to ur head..
    and naming chickens after people u this ur crase no start today.. e be like say na since u be pikin
    we need to send u to therapy or sumthin.....crase girl!!

  2. lmfaoooooooooooooooooooooo wen i was asking u wat was wrong wiv me yesterday u tot i was joking. so now u know no be 2day e start lol.

  3. mehn, something do u.

    they were 150 kids in ur class lol. u crack me up from diff angles abeg

  4. Yes Sir Scribbles has arrived, you may remember froms like The matrix renovated, V for Vending and Transbloggers lol...i have been told i am mad so no need to repeat it lol!

    lol @pikinhood, u know that a blogger is crazy wen two words into her post nd u r already laughing

    nail chooking ur head, u swallow 50 kobo..i never even read d paragraphh finish nd i'm laughing like mad lol@ always having headaches

    lol! u grubbby, so ur own na to follow anybody wey carry many times dem don chase u 4 nandos

    so u swallowed 50kobo which u number 2ed nd then used it to buy sweet...MENTAL PIKIN!!!

    u use to talk to chickens...r u blogging from a padded cell? lol
    me love ur blog oh nd u r officially being followed

  5. lol thanks. gud 2 know u enjoyed pikinhood.
