Monday, 2 November 2009


So last weekend was halloween nd dis foolish british ppl wanted 2 deafen me cos of fireworks, jeez dis british ppl piss me off sometyms imagine halloween in an american tradition but trust d britz 2 carry it on their heads kai hingland ooooooooo lol.

plus dey started d fireworks madness 2weeks b4 d halloween, can u imagine d nonsense mhen i swear i used 2 dream of fireworks cause its jus ridiculous nd guess wat dey still havent stopped oh nd 2day is monday chimooooooooo ndi hingland let me hear now lol.

Asin i heard alot of halloween stories but one topped d chat 4 me kai i couldnt stop cracking up check out some adorable kids knocked on ma friends door nd her mum answered d door, d kids shouted Trick or Treat nd guess wat ma riends mum said
"Get Out Of Here! I Dnt Worship Satan, I'm A Christian" The shocked kids Walk Off Scowlin lmfaoooooooooooooo asin i was shocked myself, but it was funny sha...


  1. Lol @ "I dont worship satan, I am a christian" sentiments exactly. I feel you about the fireworks nonsense, and there's still more coming because of Guy Fawkes night :-)

  2. That is so funny!!!!!!!

    Nice blog.
